
Low ISO Color Negative 35mm Film

Low ISO Color Negative 35mm Film

    This amazing low-speed ISO 1.6 35mm film is perfect for daylight and long exposure situations. Due to this film's unique color balance, your images will have a look, unlike any other 35mm color film. This special film is Kodak Lab film that's a low-speed duplicating film intended for making digital dupes in motion picture post-production. When using in your 35mm camera to shoot photos, this film will produce a film negative and soft, shifted colors.

    *Note: Opened consumable items (film or film cameras) are not refundable. To learn more click here.

    SKU: FPP1080

    Tech Specs

    Film Format35mm
    Number of Exposures24
    Film TypeColor Negative
    Film SpeedISO 1.6
    Color BalanceDaylight
    Film ProcessingC-41
    Number of Rolls1

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