
Wolfman Black and White Negative 35mm Film

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An image without an alt, whoops

Wolfman Black and White Negative 35mm Film

    WolfMan is a 35mm B&W negative film (triacetate base) with medium to low grain and high resolving power. The film has a speed rating of ISO 100. This new panchromatic B&W film delivers great tonal range, processes standard B&W and pops easily into all 35mm cameras from point-and-shoot to single-lens reflex.

    *Note: Opened consumable items (film or film cameras) are not refundable. To learn more click here.

    SKU: FPP1312

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    Tech Specs

    Film Format35mm
    Film TypePanchromatic B&W Negative
    Film SpeedISO 100
    Film ProcessingStandard Black and White Chemistry
    Film BaseCellulose Triacetate
    Number Of Rolls1
    Exposures Per Roll24

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